Monday, April 23, 2012

Free Write for EDU 414 (the final blog post for this class as well!)

                You might wonder why I have written both of these so early in the week, why I haven’t waited till Sunday, when everything is usually due. We last night after completing the work I had to do for this week, I made a list of the rest of the work I need to get done before next week or by next week, and for finals. I realized that this amount of work isn’t something that I can leave till the last minute. I usually like to work all day Sunday to get my work done, but at this point that is not an option.
                So right now I am writing my blog post for EDU 414, and I have just written my final blog post for EDU 307, you can see it below. I am writing this because I just came from my 5-7:30 class, and we stayed the whole time. While I am glad we stayed the whole time, we got a lot accomplished for out group project, I find myself to be pretty tired. I worked this morning till 12, went home to walk the dogs, came back to eat lunch, went to SCSU to get some transfer credits for the summer approved (I hope they get approved), and then went to class. It has been a busy day, and while I’m tired I know I need to get some work done.  Even if I just do these blogs tonight, it will be two more things to cross off my list, and give me more time to concentrate on other papers, projects, etc.
                So with this blog post coming to an end (I can’t think of much more to write)I have to say, I think a part of me is going to miss writing up these short but sweet little posts. Then again maybe not! However like I said in my previous post I really like these blogs as a source for our writing in the “W” classes. It was a simple kind of activity to get us to write, and earn that “W.”
Anyway, I am off to start and finish other work. I am glad to have written these blogs for my EDU courses. Good Luck everyone, we’re almost done!  


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